YEAR: 2020
CLIENT: Kaninglan 卡宁兰
TYPE: Package design & online store
CLIENT: Kaninglan 卡宁兰
TYPE: Package design & online store
卡宁兰® 玻尿酸安瓶原液是一款美妆产品,定位消费人群为18-25岁的年轻女性,主打“成分”、“美白”、“补水”和“抗皱”等医美化妆品功效;包装设计上使用现代、简洁设计手法,使用亮面、微镭射的高级纸质,强调了医美的品牌调性的同时,也迎合年轻一代女性的审美。
Kaninglan® Hyaluronic Acid Ampoule Liquid is a cosmetic product targeting young women aged 18-25. It mainly focuses on "ingredients", "whitening", "hydrating" and "anti-wrinkle" and other medical cosmetic effects;
The packaging design uses modern and concise design techniques, and uses high-grade paper with bright surface and micro-laser, which emphasizes the brand tonality of medical beauty, and also caters to the aesthetics of the younger generation of women.
The packaging design uses modern and concise design techniques, and uses high-grade paper with bright surface and micro-laser, which emphasizes the brand tonality of medical beauty, and also caters to the aesthetics of the younger generation of women.