Jason Anime
YEAR: 2021
CLIENT: Jason Anime 杰森动漫
CLIENT: Jason Anime 杰森动漫
杰森动漫®️ 围绕顶尖国漫IP,拥有优秀的产品变现能力;目前以卡牌、盲盒、手办为三大核心产品线,卡牌产品的全国市场占有率排名第二。此次品牌升级在杰森动漫全线品牌中展开,包括品牌定位、命名、形象识别设计等。并提出“热爱从心燃起” 的品牌口号,表达对国漫复兴的决心。
Jason Anime®️ has excellent product monetization capabilities around the top Chinese comic IPs; currently, with card, blind box, and figure as the three core product lines, the national market share of card products ranks second. This brand upgrade is carried out in all brands of Jason Animation, including brand positioning, naming, image identification design, etc. And put forward the brand slogan "Love comes from the heart", expressing the determination to the revival of Chinese Anime.